You Need a Meeting Room Manager

Meeting Room Manager for Web ConferenceAre you looking for ways to have more effective meetings? A meeting room manager may be the solution for you. Meetings are an important part of business. Meetings are where we make decisions, plan action, innovate and collaborate.

Yet, it seems like everyone complains about meetings. “I have too many meetings.” “Meetings are such a waste of time.” People complain because a lot of meetings are unproductive. Business Insider reports that $37 billion is lost every year to these types of meetings. Now, you don’t want to run unproductive meetings. That’s why you’re here- looking for ways to get the most out of your meetings. We have a lot of tips and insights for creating successful meetings, but we think this one is so impactful that it deserves its own blog post. One of the reasons a meeting becomes unproductive is because the host is so busy fussing with the meeting technology (web conferencing solutions, audio conferencing technology, or video conferencing software), that they have a hard time communicating their message. This is why…

You need a meeting room manager.

It’s easier to run an effective meeting when you can focus on the objective of your meeting. Having a meeting room manager means you don’t have to lend part of that focus to the technical aspect of the meeting. You are free to focus on the content. What a relief! A meeting room manager makes sure everything runs smoothly. They are a warm fuzzy blanket, wrapped nice and tight around your super successful meeting.

A few things a meeting room manager can do for you:

Communicate with speakers/guests; Help attendees with technical problems; Check attendance and contact those who are missing; Dial-In guest speakers; Manage audio issues; Gatekeeper for Q&A; Take notes; And more depending on your meeting objective.

How do you get a meeting room manager?

You have a few options.

  1. Train your assistant.
  2. Trade with a co-worker – you manage their meetings, they manage yours.
  3. Check with your conferencing provider – many offer managed meetings.
  4. Ask Teamings – we offer a meeting optimization service that can help.

If you want to run effective meetings, concentrate on the content of your meeting, not the technological rigmarole. Get yourself a meeting room manager today. For more meeting tips and insights, sign up for Teaming Edge.


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