6 Ways to Show How Smart You Are in Meetings

Meetings are great places to showcase your mental acuity.  There’s no better place really.  Your co-workers are present, your boss is present, everyone who has a say in your career path is present.  That means it’s time for you to shine.  Set a good example, show off your smarts and ensure effective meetings with these … Continued

How to Increase Productivity in 2015

Are you trying to be more productive in 2015?  Be sure to use some tips from the infographic below as you plan for success.  Also, remember productivity isn’t only about you.  Truly productive leaders know how increase productivity with effective teamwork. 

9 Ways to Increase Webinar Engagement

Attendee engagement is critical if you want your webinar to attract new clients. Engagement can mean different things to different people, depending on their meeting’s objectives. For these purposes, I define meeting engagement in webinars as attendees actively listening/watching and participating in the webinar. How do you turn attendees into active participants? To increase webinar … Continued