Pros and Cons of Online Meetings for Employee Training

Web based training or eLearning is increasing in popularly and for good reason.  There are many benefits of training employees online but there are also limitations.  Here’s a review of eLearning Pros and Cons and some ways you can make the Cons disappear.   

6 Ways to Show How Smart You Are in Meetings

Meetings are great places to showcase your mental acuity.  There’s no better place really.  Your co-workers are present, your boss is present, everyone who has a say in your career path is present.  That means it’s time for you to shine.  Set a good example, show off your smarts and ensure effective meetings with these … Continued

How to Advance Your Career with Successful Meetings

What’s the best way to advance your career?  Simply, it’s to find out what your boss or their boss wants and exceed their expectations. One way to do this is to become a successful meeting expert. The ability to successfully manage a meeting is rare.  Who among us hasn’t been to a horrible, boring, unproductive … Continued

How to Increase Productivity in 2015

Are you trying to be more productive in 2015?  Be sure to use some tips from the infographic below as you plan for success.  Also, remember productivity isn’t only about you.  Truly productive leaders know how increase productivity with effective teamwork. 

9 Tools Trainers Can Use to Engage Online Learners – {Video}

eLearning instructors are constantly challenged to create a classroom environment online without losing engagement.  This is difficult if you don’t have the correct tools or they don’t work properly. This video outlines various online engagement tools and gives you an idea of which virtual learning environments perform best.        

Why Effective Meetings are Worth Much More Then They Cost

Between face-to-face briefings, audio conferences, web conferences and webinars, most people experience unproductive meetings on a weekly basis.  This is because so many are ill planned, mishandled, and pointless.  People call them when they don’t need to – wasting the time and resources of their co-workers, clients, partners, stakeholders and vendors. 

Confessions of a Multitasker

Killing opportunities one extra task at a time. In the late 1990s to early 2000s people started adding ‘Excellent at multitasking’ to the skills section of their resumes. I was no different. Being able to do 2 things at once is an amazing skill and I’ve been practicing since I was a kid while doing … Continued